Combine Baseball is a company founded, innovated, and incubated by JB Fitzgerald Venture Capital. Combine Baseball is an elite private indoor baseball training academy that encompasses Sports Performance Training, Player Development, Nutritional Planing, Marketing, and Injury Prevention/PhysioTherapy for baseball athletes of all ages and levels. Combine has become recognized on a Global scale by hosting year round Training Trials, Boarding Camps, Summer Ball Franchises, and Individual/Group Training for a range of the best Youth, High School, Collegiate, and MLB/Minor League Professional Players in the world. Combine Baseball is headquartered in Nashville, TN with plan to open additional locations in Charlotte, NC and Atlanta, GA.
270 Car Farm Rd. Ste. 100
Lincolnton, NC 28092
+1 704-909-0709
60 South 8th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11249
+1 704-909-0709